iHERITAGE ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage

Photo 1: The Apses of Palermo Cathedral (Le Absidi della Cattedrale di Palermo) – Palermo, Italy
Photo 2: The Admiral’s Bridge (Ponte dell’Ammiraglio) – Palermo, Italy
Photo 3: The cloister in the Church of St John of the Hermits (Chiostro nella chiesa di San Giovanni degli Eremiti) – Palermo, Italy

“Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalú and Monreale”
UNESCO World Heritage site.
Photo produced by Archt. Francesco Ferla – PP9 UNIPA

iHERITAGE ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage

Photo 1: The Apses of Palermo Cathedral (Le Absidi della Cattedrale di Palermo) – Palermo, Italy
Photo 2: The Admiral’s Bridge (Ponte dell’Ammiraglio) – Palermo, Italy
Photo 3: The cloister in the Church of St John of the Hermits (Chiostro nella chiesa di San Giovanni degli Eremiti) – Palermo, Italy

“Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalú and Monreale”
UNESCO World Heritage site.
Photo produced by Archt. Francesco Ferla – PP9 UNIPA

iHERITAGE ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage is a strategic project 90% co-financed by the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme of the European Union. The total budget of the project is € 3.874.287,06. iHERITAGE involves 10 partners from 6 Mediterranean countries: Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal, and Spain.
Visit ENI CBC Med website

Visualizing the archaeological finds exhibited in museums in the original context; recreating the architectural and urban environment of art venues; reconstructing the historical and archaeological context of sites with restored finds; promoting the sites through AR/VR audio-video guides – that will give access to 3D reconstructions, accessible cross media on PC, smartphone, tablet, and AR glasses. These actions are just an example of the innovative solutions carried out by iHERITAGE: ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage.

From the development of new ICT tools for the promotion of UNESCO sites of the Mediterranean basin to the creation of the first Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Euro-Mediterranean countries (REIM) and the development of new solutions for the valorisazion and commercialisation of Mediterranean Diet products. In accordance with the Convention for the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage adopted by UNESCO in 2003, iHERITAGE aims to promote, safeguard and enhance the intangible cultural heritage of the Mediterranean countries.

Main roles of the Network of Castles and Medieval Town in iHERITAGE

Provide technical knowledge and skills related to the development of all technological products of the project that use augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) by activating free online training courses, aimed also at enhancing entrepreneurial skills and territorial development.

Coordinate the development of innovative AR/VR products at project level.

Development of AR products enhancing the Mediterranean Diet.

Coordinating actions for the establishment of CRESPIEM: Regional Centre for the Safeguarding and Valorisation of Euromediterranean Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Foster a Mediterranean collaboration in the field of safeguarding and enhancing the intangible cultural heritage, including the creation of the Register of Intangible Heritage of Mediterranean countries (REIM).

Direct iART, an international dgital art festival.

Main roles of the University of Palermo – Department of Architecture in iHERITAGE

Qualify and improve the level of information, communication and use of the «Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedrals of Cefalù and Monreale» and others Norman artefacts (both buildings, pieces of arts and the underground water pipes -qanāt-) not included in the World Heritage List yet

Conduct analysis, research and development of contents with the support of SMEs and Educational Institutions for the creation of innovative products

Develop virtual architectural reconstructions of monuments and sites and holographic representations of objects and artifacts

Maximize the involvement of public and researchers and students, through augmented and immersive experiences fostering accessibility and promoting a more inclusive society

Main roles of the Sicilian Region – Department of Tourism, lead beneficiary of iHERITAGE

Coordinate partners’ activities and projects outputs

Foster Public-Private Partnerships activating public institutions and industry-academia collaboration

Development of augmented guided tours and of virtual museums on selected UNESCO sites in Sicily.

Funding innovative start-ups and spin-offs, for an amount equal to 50,000 euros

Coordinate partners’ activities and projects outputs

Foster Public-Private Partnerships activating public institutions and industry-academia collaboration

Development of augmented guided tours and of virtual museums on selected UNESCO sites in Sicily.

Funding innovative start-ups and spin-offs, for an amount equal to 50,000 euros

“The 2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a multilateral Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The Programme objective is to foster fair, equitable and sustainable economic, social, and territorial development, which may advance cross-border integration and valorise participating countries’ territories and values. The following 13 countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia. The Managing Authority (MA) is the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy)”.

Khaled ElSaadany, Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) | ENI CBC MED Programme

“iHERITAGE will show us the Mediterranean UNESCO heritage as we have never seen it. Dozens of new AR/VR/MR technological solutions will open the way for an unprecedented and democratic relationship with oral traditions, cultural heritage, and archaeology, revealing forms, contexts and contents that would otherwise be invisible and reserved only for insiders. The project will also support the creative industry and innovative start-ups in six Mediterranean countries, thanks to funding intended to create new augmented and virtual contents in our leading sectors: culture and tourism. The set of innovative technologies and a cultural heritage of global significance are the basis of a new generation of experiences that gives strength to our great global digital challenge, where the past predict a promising future”.

Lucio Tambuzzo, creator of the project


Scan the QR code to esplore the virtual content about the Cloister in the Church of St. John of the Hermits, in Palermo


Download here the official brochure of the Project


This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Network of Castles and Medieval Towns and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.

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